Monday, August 13, 2007

#23 of 23 Summarize your thoughts about this program

Wow where do I began; before I had started this program I knew as much about computers as a chicken knew about flying. But over the time of months I was able to shape myself into an eagle and I have a much better understanding. This LATI project for 23 Things was truly one of my best learning experiences after my collage. It was really self-paced and I learn new web design and Url, online technology. I may not have known about creating my own blog if it wasn't for the LATI project. I saw a lot of latest websites and read different bloggers posts. I now know how to use so many programs that will help me in this more connected time period. I learned about the iphone and so many web sites that I would have never known existed if it wasn't for this LATI 23 things. I have become addicted to Flickr and is consistently uploading my photos and also editing them in one of the 3rd party sites. I am also using YouTube it has so much to offer. I would like to thank MCPL and Library Associate Training Institute for making me do this 23 things, it has truly helped me, Thank You.

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